Косметические средства для ухода за кожей
Skin therapy line is intended for physiotherapeutic influence on skin by means of special cosmetic devices. Great demand for this unique line is stipulated by the fact that in order to correct cosmetic defects and take care of skin, modern cosmetology has in its arsenal not only preparations of external application, but also a powerful weapon of cosmetic equipment-based techniques. With their help, correction of many aesthetic defects has become possible, though earlier only surgeon’s scalpel could help. This line is oriented on physiotherapeutic exposure to skin by means of cosmetic devices. Modern equipment for face cosmetology is increasingly getting physiotherapeutic bias, it is almost entirely based on various currents and ultrasound. Nowadays nobody is surprised, that “doctor current” cleans a face, performs lifting, lymph drainage, massage and disincrustation, adds useful substances into cells and deduces slags and toxins. And the most important, it stimulates cells to vigorous activity, thus prolonging youth and tissue health. The prosperity of cosmetic equipment caused a necessity to create cosmetic products of new generation, capable to cooperate fruitfully with ultramodern technological techniques. Therefore a complete PREMIUM Skintherapy line was developed consisting of 17 preparations, which are now widely used in all therapies: current, vacuum, ultrasonic, paraffin, etc. Line hit is cryoconcentrates - unique preparations for face cryomassage. Due to local skin stress which causes active afflux of blood, cryomassage technology provides an apparent training of vessels, instant delivery of synergetic cocktail of biocomponents correcting various cosmetic problems. |