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Solid base cosmetics include dry forms of cosmetic products: powders and herb powders, decorative cosmetics, powder-masks, alginate masks. Detailed researches in interaction mechanisms of ground dry forms allowed the Company “Salon Cosmetics” to develop fundamentally new cosmetic products, combining decorative and medical and preventive properties. At that, own know-hows of the company are used for production – the technology of jet pulverization. This technology allows not only to gain unique fineness of components (up to 2 microns), but also to achieve their interaction at a molecular level, attaining essentially new clinical properties. Absence of liquid basis allows to achieve introduction of unprecedented high percent of biologically-active substances that causes obvious clinical effect. Dry basis gives an opportunity to avoid introduction of preservatives, which frequently cause allergy. Organoleptic qualities of preparations provide maximum possible smooth effect on skin. Actual working life of preparations exceeds five years. Any preparation simultaneously performs the following functions: therapeutic intervention; prevention depending on skin type; photoprotection; masking of defects. Alginate powders Premium Jetcosmetics – revolution instead of evolution. Alginate mask is: